ShearBand benchmark

Shear Band benchmark to test the visco-elasto-plastic rheology implementation in JustRelax.jl

Initialize packages

Load JustRelax.jl necessary modules and define backend.

using JustRelax, JustRelax.JustRelax2D, JustRelax.DataIO
const backend_JR = CPUBackend

We will also use ParallelStencil.jl to write some device-agnostic helper functions:

using ParallelStencil
@init_parallel_stencil(Threads, Float64, 2) #or (CUDA, Float64, 2) or (AMDGPU, Float64, 2)

and will use GeoParams.jl to define and compute physical properties of the materials:

using GeoParams


Model domain

nx = ny      = 64                       # number of cells per dimension
igg          = IGG(
    init_global_grid(nx, ny, 1; init_MPI= true)...
)                                       # initialize MPI grid
ly           = 1.0                      # domain length in y
lx           = ly                       # domain length in x
ni           = nx, ny                   # number of cells
li           = lx, ly                   # domain length in x- and y-
di           = @. li / ni               # grid step in x- and -y
origin       = 0.0, 0.0                 # origin coordinates
grid         = Geometry(ni, li; origin = origin)
(; xci, xvi) = grid                     # nodes at the center and vertices of the cells
dt           = Inf

Physical properties using GeoParams

τ_y     = 1.6           # yield stress. If do_DP=true, τ_y stand for the cohesion: c*cos(ϕ)
ϕ       = 30            # friction angle
C       = τ_y           # Cohesion
η0      = 1.0           # viscosity
G0      = 1.0           # elastic shear modulus
Gi      = G0/(6.0-4.0)  # elastic shear modulus perturbation
εbg     = 1.0           # background strain-rate
η_reg   = 8e-3          # regularisation "viscosity"
dt      = η0/G0/4.0     # assumes Maxwell time of 4
el_bg   = ConstantElasticity(; G=G0, Kb=4)
el_inc  = ConstantElasticity(; G=Gi, Kb=4)
visc    = LinearViscous(; η=η0)
pl      = DruckerPrager_regularised(;  # non-regularized plasticity
    C    = C,
    ϕ    = ϕ,
    η_vp = η_reg,
    Ψ    = 0


    rheology = (
        # Low density phase
            Phase             = 1,
            Density           = ConstantDensity(; ρ = 0.0),
            Gravity           = ConstantGravity(; g = 0.0),
            CompositeRheology = CompositeRheology((visc, el_bg, pl)),
            Elasticity        = el_bg,

        # High density phase
            Density           = ConstantDensity(; ρ = 0.0),
            Gravity           = ConstantGravity(; g = 0.0),
            CompositeRheology = CompositeRheology((visc, el_inc, pl)),
            Elasticity        = el_inc,

Phase anomaly

Helper function to initialize material phases with ParallelStencil.jl

function init_phases!(phase_ratios, xci, radius)
    ni      = size(
    origin  = 0.5, 0.5

    @parallel_indices (i, j) function init_phases!(phases, xc, yc, o_x, o_y, radius)
        x, y = xc[i], yc[j]
        if ((x-o_x)^2 + (y-o_y)^2) > radius^2
            JustRelax.@cell phases[1, i, j] = 1.0
            JustRelax.@cell phases[2, i, j] = 0.0

            JustRelax.@cell phases[1, i, j] = 0.0
            JustRelax.@cell phases[2, i, j] = 1.0
        return nothing

    @parallel (@idx ni) init_phases!(, xci..., origin..., radius)

and finally we need the phase ratios at the cell centers:

phase_ratios = PhaseRatio(backend_JR, ni, length(rheology))
init_phases!(phase_ratios, xci, radius)

Stokes arrays

Stokes arrays object

stokes = StokesArrays(backend_JR, ni)

Initialize viscosity fields

We initialize the buoyancy forces and viscosity

ρg               = @zeros(ni...), @zeros(ni...)
η                = @ones(ni...)
args             = (; T = thermal.Tc, P = stokes.P, dt = Inf)
compute_ρg!(ρg[2], phase_ratios, rheology, args)
compute_viscosity!(stokes, 1.0, phase_ratios, args, rheology, (-Inf, Inf))

where (-Inf, Inf) is the viscosity cutoff.

Boundary conditions

    flow_bcs     = VelocityBoundaryConditions(;
        free_slip = (left = true, right = true, top = true, bot = true),
        no_slip   = (left = false, right = false, top = false, bot=false),
    stokes.V.Vx .= PTArray(backend_JR)([ x*εbg for x in xvi[1], _ in 1:ny+2])
    stokes.V.Vy .= PTArray(backend_JR)([-y*εbg for _ in 1:nx+2, y in xvi[2]])
    flow_bcs!(stokes, flow_bcs) # apply boundary conditions

Pseuo-transient coefficients

pt_stokes   = PTStokesCoeffs(li, di; ϵ=1e-4,  CFL = 1 / √2.1)

Just before solving the problem...

In this benchmark we want to keep track of τII, the total time ttot, and the analytical elastic solution sol

 solution(ε, t, G, η) = 2 * ε * η * (1 - exp(-G * t / η))

and store their time history in the vectors:

    τII        = Float64[]
    sol        = Float64[]
    ttot       = Float64[]

Advancing one time step

  1. Solve stokes
    kwargs = (;
        iterMax          = 150e3,
        nout             = 200,
        viscosity_cutoff = (-Inf, Inf),
        verbose          = true
  1. calculate the second invariant and push to history vectors
push!(τII, maximum(stokes.τ.xx))

it += 1
t  += dt

push!(sol, solution(εbg, t, G0, η0))
push!(ttot, t)


We will use Makie.jl to visualize the results

using GLMakie


 # visualisation of high density inclusion
th    = 0:pi/50:3*pi;
xunit = @. radius * cos(th) + 0.5;
yunit = @. radius * sin(th) + 0.5;

fig   = Figure(size = (1600, 1600), title = "t = $t")
ax1   = Axis(fig[1,1], aspect = 1, title = L"\tau_{II}", titlesize=35)
ax2   = Axis(fig[2,1], aspect = 1, title = L"E_{II}", titlesize=35)
ax3   = Axis(fig[1,2], aspect = 1, title = L"\log_{10}(\varepsilon_{II})", titlesize=35)
ax4   = Axis(fig[2,2], aspect = 1)
heatmap!(ax1, xci..., Array(stokes.τ.II) , colormap=:batlow)
heatmap!(ax2, xci..., Array(log10.(stokes.EII_pl)) , colormap=:batlow)
heatmap!(ax3, xci..., Array(log10.(stokes.ε.II)) , colormap=:batlow)
lines!(ax2, xunit, yunit, color = :black, linewidth = 5)
lines!(ax4, ttot, τII, color = :black)
lines!(ax4, ttot, sol, color = :red)
save(joinpath(figdir, "$(it).png"), fig)

Final model

Shear Bands evolution in a 2D visco-elasto-plastic rheology model Shearbands