Flow boundary conditions

Supported boundary conditions:

  1. Free slip

    $\frac{\partial u_i}{\partial x_i} = 0$ at the boundary $\Gamma$

  2. No slip

    $u_i = 0$ at the boundary $\Gamma$

  3. Free surface

    $\sigma_z = 0 \rightarrow \tau_z = P$ at the top boundary

Defining the boundary conditions

We have two ways of defining the boundary condition formulations: - VelocityBoundaryConditions, and - DisplacementBoundaryConditions. The first one is used for the velocity-pressure formulation, and the second one is used for the displacement-pressure formulation. The flow boundary conditions can be switched on and off by setting them as true or false at the appropriate boundaries. Valid boundary names are left and right, top and bot, and for the 3D case, front and back.

For example, if we want to have free free-slip in every single boundary in a 2D simulation, we need to instantiate VelocityBoundaryConditions or DisplacementBoundaryConditions as:

bcs = VelocityBoundaryConditions(;
    no_slip      = (left=false, right=false, top=false, bot=false),
    free_slip    = (left=true, right=true, top=true, bot=true),
    free_surface = false
bcs = DisplacementBoundaryConditions(;
    no_slip      = (left=false, right=false, top=false, bot=false),
    free_slip    = (left=true, right=true, top=true, bot=true),
    free_surface = false

The equivalent for the 3D case would be:

bcs = VelocityBoundaryConditions(;
    no_slip      = (left=false, right=false, top=false, bot=false, front=false, back=false),
    free_slip    = (left=true, right=true, top=true, bot=true, front=true, back=true),
    free_surface = false
bcs = DisplacementBoundaryConditions(;
    no_slip      = (left=false, right=false, top=false, bot=false, front=false, back=false),
    free_slip    = (left=true, right=true, top=true, bot=true, front=true, back=true),
    free_surface = false

Prescribing the velocity/displacement boundary conditions

Normally, one would prescribe the velocity/displacement boundary conditions by setting the velocity/displacement field at the boundary through the application of a background strain rate εbg. Depending on the formulation, the velocity/displacement field is set as follows for the 2D case:

Velocity formulation

stokes.V.Vx .= PTArray(backend)([ x*εbg for x in xvi[1], _ in 1:ny+2]) # Velocity in x direction
stokes.V.Vy .= PTArray(backend)([-y*εbg for _ in 1:nx+2, y in xvi[2]]) # Velocity in y direction

Make sure to apply the set velocity to the boundary conditions. You do this by calling the flow_bcs! function,

flow_bcs!(stokes, flow_bcs)

and then applying the velocities to the halo


Displacement formulation

stokes.U.Ux .= PTArray(backend)([ x*εbg*lx*dt for x in xvi[1], _ in 1:ny+2]) # Displacement in x direction
stokes.U.Uy .= PTArray(backend)([-y*εbg*ly*dt for _ in 1:nx+2, y in xvi[2]]) # Displacement in y direction
flow_bcs!(stokes, flow_bcs)

Make sure to initialize the displacement according to the extent of your domain. Here, lx and ly are the domain lengths in the x and y directions, respectively. Also for the displacement formulation it is important that the displacement is converted to velocity before updating the halo. This can be done by calling the displacement2velocity! function.

displacement2velocity!(stokes, dt) # convert displacement to velocity