
Backend Selection & Architecture Initialization

Chmy.jl supports CPUs, as well as CUDA, ROC and Metal backends for Nvidia, AMD and Apple M-series GPUs through a thin wrapper around the KernelAbstractions.jl for users to select desirable backends. For distributed usage of Chmy.jl see the concept documentation on Distributed.

# Default with CPU
arch = Arch(CPU())
using CUDA

arch = Arch(CUDABackend())
using AMDGPU

arch = Arch(ROCBackend())
using Metal

arch = Arch(MetalBackend())

At the beginning of program, one may specify the backend and initialise the architecture they desire to use. The initialised arch variable will be required explicitly at creation of some objects such as grids and kernel launchers.

Specifying the device ID and stream priority

On systems with multiple GPUs, passing the keyword argument device_id to the Arch constructor will select and set the selected device as a current device.

For advanced users, we provide a function activate!(arch; priority) for specifying the stream priority owned by the task one is executing. The stream priority will be set to :normal by default, where :low and :high are also possible options given that the target backend has priority control over streams implemented.