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Examples Overview

This page provides an overview of Chmy.jl examples. These selected examples demonstrate how Chmy.jl can be used to solve various numerical problems using architecture-agnostic kernels both on a single-device and in a distributed way.

Table of Contents

Diffusion 2DSolving the 2D diffusion equation on a uniform grid.
Diffusion 2D with MPISolving the 2D diffusion equation on a uniform grid and distributed parallelisation using MPI.
Single-Device Performance OptimisationRevisiting the 2D diffusion problem with focus on performance optimisation techniques on a single-device architecture.
Stokes 2D with MPISolving the 2D Stokes equation with thermal coupling on a uniform grid.
Stokes 3D with MPISolving the 3D Stokes equation with thermal coupling on a uniform grid and distributed parallelisation using MPI.
Diffusion 1D with MetalSolving the 1D diffusion equation using the Metal backend and single precision (Float32) on a uniform grid.
2D Grid VisualizationVisualization of a 2D StructuredGrid.
3D Grid VisualizationVisualization of a 3D StructuredGrid.