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Boundary Conditions

Using Chmy.jl, we aim to study partial differential equations (PDEs) arising from physical or engineering problems. Additional initial and/or boundary conditions are necessary for the model problem to be well-posed, ensuring the existence and uniqueness of a stable solution.

We provide a small overview for boundary conditions that one often encounters. In the following, we consider the unknown function u:ΩR defined on some bounded computational domain ΩRd in a d-dimensional space. With the domain boundary denoted by Ω, we have some function g:ΩR prescribed on the boundary.

Dirichletu=g on ΩIn fluid dynamics, the no-slip condition for viscous fluids states that at a solid boundary the fluid has zero velocity relative to the boundary.
Neumannnu=g on Ω, where n is the outer normal vector to ΩIt specifies the values in which the derivative of a solution is applied within the boundary of the domain. An application in thermodynamics is a prescribed heat flux through the boundary
Robinu+ανu=g on Ω, where αR.Also called impedance boundary conditions from their application in electromagnetic problems

Applying Boundary Conditions with bc!()

In the following, we describe the syntax in Chmy.jl for launching kernels that impose boundary conditions on some field that is well-defined on a grid with backend specified through arch.

For Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions, they are referred to as homogeneous if g=0, otherwise they are non-homogeneous if g=v holds, for some vR.

Dirichlet on Ωbc!(arch, grid, field => Dirichlet())bc!(arch, grid, field => Dirichlet(v))
Neumann on Ωbc!(arch, grid, field => Neumann())bc!(arch, grid, field => Neumann(v))

Note that the syntax shown in the table above is a fused expression of both specifying and applying the boundary conditions.

Ω Refers to the Entire Domain Boundary!

By specifying field to a single boundary condition, we impose the boundary condition on the entire domain boundary by default. See the section for "Mixed Boundary Conditions" below for specifying different BC on different parts of the domain boundary.

Alternatively, one could also define the boundary conditions beforehand using batch() provided the grid information as well as the field variable. This way the boundary condition to be prescribed is precomputed.

# pre-compute batch
bt = batch(grid, field => Neumann()) # specify Neumann BC for the variable `field`
bc!(arch, grid, bt)                  # apply the boundary condition

In the script batcher.jl, we provide a MWE using both fused and precomputed expressions for BC update.

Specifying BC within a launch

When using launch to specify the execution of a kernel (more see section Kernels), one can pass the specified boundary condition(s) as an optional parameter using batch, provided the grid information of the discretized space. This way we can gain efficiency from making good use of already cached values.

In the 2D diffusion example as introduced in the tutorial "Getting Started with Chmy.jl", we need to update the temperature field C at k-th iteration using the values of heat flux q and physical time step size Δt from (k-1)-th iteration. When launching the kernel update_C! with launch, we simultaneously launch the kernel for the BC update using:

launch(arch, grid, update_C! => (C, q, Δt, grid); bc=batch(grid, C => Neumann(); exchange=C))

Mixed Boundary Conditions

In the code example above, by specifying boundary conditions using syntax such as field => Neumann(), we essentially launch a kernel that impose the Neumann boundary condition on the entire domain boundary Ω. More often, one may be interested in prescribing different boundary conditions on different parts of Ω.

The following figure showcases a 2D square domain Ω with different boundary conditions applied on each side:

  • The top boundary (red) is a Dirichlet boundary condition where u=a.

  • The bottom boundary (blue) is also a Dirichlet boundary condition where u=b.

  • The left and right boundaries (green) are Neumann boundary conditions where uy=0.

To launch a kernel that satisfies these boundary conditions in Chmy.jl, you can use the following code:

bc!(arch, grid, field => (x = Neumann(), y = (Dirichlet(b), Dirichlet(a))))